dentist talking with child

Your Child’s First Dental Visit: What to Expect and How to Prepare

At Jetty Dental, we’re committed to making your child’s first dental visit a positive and enjoyable experience, setting the foundations for a lifetime of good oral health. Our friendly, welcoming team is here to guide you through the process, ensuring both you and your child feel comfortable and informed.

What Age is Recommended for a First Dental Check-Up?

It’s advised that children have their first dental check-up between 1 and 2 years of age before they have all of their baby teeth. This early visit helps monitor their oral development and builds the foundation for healthy dental habits.

How Often Should Children See the Dentist?

We recommend scheduling dental check ups for your child every 6 to 12 months. Regular dental checks allow us to catch any concerns early, teach your child about dental care, and help them form a positive relationship with their dentist from an early age.

Regular dental check ups can help prevent early childhood cavities and assist with identifying potential developmental issues early.

What’s Included in a Kid’s Dental Check-Up?

During your child’s first appointment at Jetty Dental, you can expect:

  • A gentle check of their teeth, gums and jaw development.
  • An assessment of tooth alignment and overall oral health.
  • Helpful advice on healthy dietary habits, brushing techniques, and general oral hygiene habits.
  • Answers to any questions you may have about your child’s oral development.

Our goal is to ensure your child’s dental journey starts off on the right foot, making their first visit fun and enjoyable while helping them build strong, healthy dental habits for life. 

It’s natural for parents to feel a little anxious about their child’s first visit. At Jetty Dental, we take extra care to ensure your child’s experience is as comfortable and stress-free as possible. Our team uses gentle techniques and age-appropriate language to ease any worries your child, or you may have. Plus we’re always available to answer any questions you may have before or after your visit.

How to Prepare your Child for their first dental appointment

  • Time it right: Try to pick a time of day when your child is most rested avoiding times when your child usually naps or eats. 
  • Set expectations: Let your child know what will happen at the appointment in a positive way, encouraging them to feel excited about their first visit.. Explain that the dentist will look at their teeth to help keep their teeth strong and healthy.
  • Bring comfort items: A favourite toy can help your child feel more at ease. You’ll be with them throughout the appointment, whether they sit on your lap or in the dental chair.
  • Stay calm: Children often pick up on their parents’ emotions. If you’re calm and relaxed, your child will be more likely to be too

Role play: Playing dentist at home, by counting your child’s teeth or letting them look at your teeth with a light or mirror can help them understand what to expect. Reading a book about visiting the dentist can also help put children at ease. Here’s a great list of Books to Prepare Kids for Dentist Visits

Fun Facts for kids:

•  We’re all born with teeth. Most babies teeth are in their gums and start to show around 6 months of age, however, some babies are born with a tooth or teeth already showing.
•  Children usually have all their 20 baby teeth by age 3.
•  Adults have more teeth than children, with 32 permanent teeth including wisdom teeth if they have them.
•  Dogs in comparison have 42 teeth, sharks up to 300 teeth and snails have the most teeth of any animal with 25,000.

How to book a kids dental check up

Simply call (02) 6651 7373, use our contact form, or pop into the surgery at 29 Edgar St, Coffs Harbour to make your appointment today. We look forward to welcoming you and your child for their first dental visit.



